ASP.NET Core Hidden Gem - QueryHelpers
How to build a URL containing dynamic query arguments using the ASP.NET Core QueryHelpers.AddQueryString method. A hidden gem in ASP.NET Core.
How to build a URL containing dynamic query arguments using the ASP.NET Core QueryHelpers.AddQueryString method. A hidden gem in ASP.NET Core.
How to optimally configure your Entity Framework Core DbContext for best performance, resiliency and easy debugging for the developer.
How to migrate an existing database to use Entity Framework Core 2.1 Seed Data to insert static data into your tables while using migrations.
.NET Boxed is a set of project templates with batteries included, providing the minimum amount of code required to get you going faster.
The dotnet watch tool is a file watcher for dotnet that restarts the application when changes in the source code are detected. You can use dotnet watch in Visual Studio by using the launchSettings.json configuration file.
How to write code while you sleep using tools like Stack Overflow, GitHub and forums effectively.
Learn how to write your Webpack configuration file using TypeScript to get intellisense and how to exclude Webpack 1 syntax from your TypeScript typings.
How to run the ELK-B Stack, made up of ElasticSearch, Kibana, Filebeat, Metricbeat and Heartbeat using Docker and Docker Swarm.
A guide to using the Docker Visualizer, Portainer and Sonatype Nexus Docker images to help manage a Docker Swarm.
How to use Docker Labels with Docker run, Docker compose and Docker Swarm. Also talk about naming conventions and the Open Containers Initiative (OCI) spec.