
A little about my professional career, open source projects and history.

Muhammad Rehan Saeed

Muhammad Rehan Saeed

I am a professional Software Developer at Microsoft. Although I work for Microsoft, my opinions are my own. If it’s written in C# or .NET, I have probably written something using it in anger!

I live stream my software development escapades on Youtube and Twitch twice a week. Feel free to join me live and ask questions.

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You can see some of the open source projects that I have founded and maintained in my portfolio. There are many others I have contributed to which you can see in my GitHub profile and of course there are other commercial projects that I cannot disclose.

GitHub sponsorsGitHub follower countGitHub stars
GitHub statistics

I have been fairly active on StackOverflow. You can view my Stack Overflow profile and see my contribution to the community.

Stack Overflow profile statistics

Before I joined Microsoft, I was a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for three years. This gave me inside information into the work Microsoft was doing. Once I joined Microsoft, I had to give up this award.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP)Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Alumni

Here are some of the awards I have been given for my work as a software engineer in open source or elsewhere:

Open UK Honours 2022Microsoft Global Hackathon 2022.pngMicrosoft Global Hackathon 2021.pngMicrosoft Global Hackathon 2020.png

Do you have questions or comments about my work? Please feel free to contact me using any of the links above.